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R & D - Quality
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R & D Quality

R & D


Viatemis™ invests continuously in Research and Development in order to propose to its customers even more innovating products.

For on-board security equipments, many efforts are put on weight and volume optimization, reduction of electrical consumption, integration of new functions.

For the air management equipments, Viatemis™ works on the optimization of size and costs, the increase in resistance to vibrations and corrosion.


For this reason, VIATEMIS™ has its own tests lab in order to valid internally the technical requests of its customers on new developments.

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Single pole main battery switch manufacturer Single pole main switch manufacturer Double pole main battery switch manufacturer Double pole main switch manufacturer Single pole main battery switches manufacturer Single pole main switches manufacturer Double pole main battery switches manufacturer Double pole main switches manufacturer Pneumatic know How Main switch heavy truck Main switch boat Main switch heavy trucks Main switch boats Transport of dangerous goods Viatemis manufacturer Battery switch manufacturer Battery switches manufacturer Pneumatical equipment manufacturer Electrical equipment manufacturer Marine battery main switch Marine batteries main switches Main switch trucks Main switch truck Commercial vehicle equipment Commercial vehicles equipment Main switch construction equipment machines Main switch coach Main switch bus Main switch coaches Main switch buses Main switch agriculture Main switch handling equipment ADR kit ADR Adaptation Protection case Electromagnetic relay manufacturer Electromagnetic relays manufacturer Bi stable relays Bi stable main switches Bi stable relays Bi stable main switches Double pole main switch with auxiliary circuit Single pole main switch with auxiliary circuit Electrical ADR Main switch manufacturer Soderep main switch Soderep main switches ADR Main switch ADR Main switches
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